Ergonomic / Workplace Health Programs
At Back in Motion® Physical Therapy, our focus is to change people’s lives by providing pain relief and improving their quality of life.
Work Risk Analysis
(Ergonomic Assessments)Ergonomics is the study of a person’s efficiency in their work environment. It is concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. Whether this is a desk job or on a factory assembly line, workplace ergonomics are an important step to prevent injuries and makes the employee efficient at their job. Having an ergonomic work space is only part of the safety equation. Another important step is the injury risk analysis. This evaluates worker behaviors, postures, work patterns and habits they are often unaware of. These often have a large influence on safety and risk of injury. Once educated in these risks, the worker can exert a higher level of control over their environment. Our work risk assessment consist of educating the worker and their company on how to best prevent musculoskeletal injury, which can lead to missed days of work. Our company can help your employees become more efficient, miss less work time and be more productive during their work days.
Work Risk Analyses include:
- Identification of the Education in strategies for correct alternating postures and movements for the task required.
- Education on how to make a workplace more efficient for each employee in their individual workspace.
- Assessment of work spaces with recommended changes to implement.
- A resource for questions regarding ergonomics and work place health.
Our physical therapists are trained to properly assess employees in their work spaces and make appropriate adjustments or recommendations to them to maximize efficiency and minimize work related musculoskeletal disorders.
Injury prevention
Your employees are your most valuable asset. Ensuring they remain healthy and on the job is an important part of maintaining their quality of life. Between workers’ compensation claims and general health care costs from frequent doctor visits, your company is probably incurring more expenses than is ideal. Using a preventative care model, we can create savings on healthcare costs and reduce injury rates.
Back in Motion® Physical Therapy offers:
Employee Health Workshops (50 minutes)
Back in Motion® Physical Therapy wants to help you invest in your employees’ wellness by providing an interactive workshop at your place of business. Our goal is to educate employees on how everyday habits or activities they are currently doing can actually create pain or make it worse if already there. Through the interactive workshop, employees learn how to identify their own habits and how to change them. We create an awareness of these problems so they can be the expert and make the choice to change it. We also explain why and how to keep their body feeling its best through these simple changes they can do throughout the day. This helps handle both current symptoms and helps prevent future ones, as well.

Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention Program
Back in Motion® Physical Therapy will come to your workplace and provide the training needed to educate your supervisors (3 hours) and employees (2 hours) in the importance of injury prevention. We cover not only the risk of the most common Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD’s), but explain how they evolve over time. We incorporate preventative measures that address these issues so that each employee has a vested interest in taking the responsibility for staying healthy. We also recognize that the work force is aging. We need to keep employees with the most experience and knowledge healthy. We can help with that by teaching techniques to reverse the impact of daily work. This keeps your employees stronger longer!
10 Day provider services
Back in Motion is recognized as a 10 day provider for musculoskeletal injuries to local businesses. We work directly with employers to provide timely, efficient, and economic care for these injuries at our conveniently located clinics. Please contact us directly to learn more about our services. We have center and branch locations in Gorham, South Portland, Portland, Newport, Brewer, Waterville and Auburn, Maine to better serve your needs.
Physical therapy tips to help avoid injury
and live a healthier lifestyle
3 reasons to seek PT when drawing workers’ compensation for an injury
When you are injured at work, you may find yourself in a situation where you cannot return to your job until you have healed. While this may seem like a welcome opportunity to take some time off and rest, there are many good reasons why you should come to physical...
4 reasons to have a free PT consultation for your work injury
A workplace injury could leave you out of work for days, weeks or even months. Unfortunately, while they can be prevented in many cases, work injuries are extremely common. Over 2.5 million workplace injuries were reported in the United States during the year 2019,...
How can physical therapy help when you develop an injury at work?
You hoped it would never happen to you, but unfortunately, it has. You’ve developed an injury at work. Dealing with such an injury can be stressful on many levels. However, working with a physical therapist can help take away some of the stress related to your...
The Road to Recovery Starts Here
Our Clients Love
Back In Motion!
Since adopting Back in Motion® as our preferred provider of physical therapy needs for workplace injuries, we have had very positive results. We have referred several employees for ergonomic issues due to keyboarding and mouse strain/repetitive motion computer related tasks. Everyone in every location has been extremely positive, professional and knowledgeable. It’s obvious how much the staff cares about their patients. The follow up reporting I have received is always detailed and thorough regardless of the treating therapist. Additionally, a few of our employees have been treated as self-referrals. Each and every employee has reported improvement combined with therapy, home exercises and workplace equipment adjustment recommendations. The treatment received has been a welcome change from our previous provider. The wellness events that Mary Kroth-Brunet has conducted for our employees here at Artel have also been well received. We all need to be reminded to get up and stretch! She is a great teacher and presenter who knows how to engage a crowd. Thank you for all that you do at Back in Motion — we here at Artel are very grateful.”
-Deirdre Fisher HR Coordinator Artel