HEP, HEP, Hooray
Why your HEP is important Your home exercise program (HEP) is a custom curated program that is meant to be an extension of your rehabilitation process, outside of our outpatient setting. It is a crucial part of your recovery, and here is why. “Why do I have to do...
April Newsletter
It is time to turn the page on winter, even though the snow hasn’t quite melted yet. Read this month’s newsletter and find 10 exercises to prepare you for gardening season, see the progress pictures of our Newport location, and learn more about Brianna, a...
Gardening with Less Groaning
Violets, and Buttercups and Tiger Lily’s, Oh My! I know it’s hard to believe, but gardening season is coming up shortly. Pretty soon we’ll be trading in bags of salt for bags of mulch, and making elaborate plans for our flower beds. For most people, gardening is a...
March Newsletter
Wow, did February fly by or what!? Read this months newsletter to join us on the #ChoosePT movement, join our National MS Society Fundraiser, follow our move to our Newport location, and learn more about Emily, Front Desk Coordinator at our Brewer location! Choose...
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