PT exam questions you should definitely prep for
The physical therapy industry is a rapidly growing field. In fact, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, physical therapy jobs are projected to grow at a rate of 15%. This is much higher than the national average. But, to become a physical therapist, you must...
Pinched nerve in shoulder symptoms: 6 things to look for
Shoulder pain can interfere with your ability to complete everyday tasks like grabbing something off a high shelf or moving around furniture to clean. There are many injuries and medical conditions that can cause shoulder pain, such as a pinched nerve. A pinched...
7 benefits of physical therapy during pregnancy
Pregnancy is beautiful, but it’s not easy for everyone. Pregnancy puts your body through many physical changes that can cause pain and discomfort. While a pregnancy takes nine months, the symptoms can be overwhelming and feel like they never stop. The good news is...
Physical therapy near me now: 5 benefits of direct access PT
Physical therapy can be beneficial for a variety of conditions and injuries. From aches and pains to sports- or work-related injuries, physical therapy can help set you on the road to recovery. It makes sense why you’d want to find a physical therapy clinic near you...
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