Keep Your Athlete Injury Free
What do you do when the athlete in your life gets injured? This month’s Back in Motion® Commotion shows you how physical therapy plays an important role in not only treating sports injury, but helping an athlete avoid future injuries. Read Rob P’s story on...
Arthritis: Not Just an Issue for the Elderly
Does arthritis affect your life or the life of someone you love? In this month’s issue of the Back in Motion® Commotion you will get some ideas on what you can do to fight arthritis naturally, learn about our free arthritis seminar, and see what our Physical Therapist...
Treat Spinal Stenosis Naturally
Do you find that you are shrinking with age? Is your back achy and not quite as straight as it used to be? If so, you may be suffering from spinal stenosis. In this month’s Back in Motion® Commotion we’ll help you understand what spinal stenosis is and how physical...
Say Goodbye to Achy Knees
The knee is one of the hardest working joints in the body. It is involved in so many movements throughout our daily lives: walking, running, climbing and descending stairs, tying your shoe, picking something up off the ground, and the list goes on. This month’s Back...
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