What is physical therapy like after a hip replacement?
If your quality of life is impacted by persistent hip pain and stiffness, your health care provider may recommend a hip replacement. But after the surgery is completed, it takes patience and effort to restore your mobility so that you can return to your daily...
5 factors that make physical therapy useful for hip arthritis
Hip arthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that causes pain that is debilitating and progressive. Hip pain can be mild or severe, but it can limit day-to-day activities and make sleeping difficult for many patients. The success of physical therapy for hip...
You don’t just have to live with hip pain during pregnancy: Here’s what can help
For many women, finding out they’re pregnant is one of the happiest times of their lives. After all, pregnancy can have a lot of perks. Feeling a regular glow of contentment and getting closer to loved ones, for instance. However, there can also be some drawbacks to...
Who is likely to develop both lower back and hip pain?
Both lower back pain and hip pain are common enough issues in the U.S. However, you might be wondering if you’re likely to develop this combination of pain yourself. The answer is that developing lumbar (lower back) pain or hip pain is likely. One medical study...
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