How long is physical therapy after a knee replacement?
After surgery, there is always a recovery time required before you’re able to get back onto your feet. When you have surgery on your knee, such as a knee replacement, you have to work hard to slowly restore its strength, flexibility and range of motion. Physical...
Cervicogenic headache treatment: 4 common methods of pain relief
We’ve all experienced a headache at one time or another. From staring at a computer screen for hours at work to not drinking enough water, there are many everyday reasons that you can develop a headache. But not many people know that there are multiple types of...
Pinched nerve in shoulder symptoms: 6 things to look for
Shoulder pain can interfere with your ability to complete everyday tasks like grabbing something off a high shelf or moving around furniture to clean. There are many injuries and medical conditions that can cause shoulder pain, such as a pinched nerve. A pinched...
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