It is time to turn the page on winter, even though the snow hasn’t quite melted yet. Read this month’s newsletter and find 10 exercises to prepare you for gardening season, see the progress pictures of our Newport location, and learn more about Brianna, a Physical Therapist at our South Portland clinic!

Violets, and Buttercups and Tiger Lily’s, Oh My!
I know it’s hard to believe, but gardening season is coming up shortly. Pretty soon we’ll be trading in bags of salt for bags of mulch, and making elaborate plans for our flower beds. For most people, gardening is a hobby. For others, it is a complete pain, literally.
We’ve put together 10 exercises and stretches that you can do right at home to avoid or relieve pain from gardening. Read the full blog here.

Brianna McElligott: PT at South Portland, Maine

Where are you from? Rochester, New York
What level of education/schooling do you have? Bachelors in Psychology from State University of Oswego. Doctorate of Physical Therapy from University of New England.
What made you want to become a physical therapist? I wanted to be a PT when my mom got in a car accident when I was younger. She had a traumatic brain injury and broke her leg. They told her she would never walk and due to PT she’s walking today.
What are your hobbies? Playing volleyball, lifting, and cooking.
What is your favorite part about your job? Making a difference in patients’ lives every day.
Learn more about Briannahere.

“For the past two years I have come [to Back in Motion] for both my knee and my back. My past sessions for my knee was a big improvement after coming here. Then I came here for my back and at first I wasn’t able to get out of bed properly without crippling. Since treating, my daughter and I have noticed lots of improvement and no pain in my back at all.
Casey has been very helpful and so has all the other staff.
I loved coming to my appointments knowing that at the end of the day I’ll be feeling happy with no pain. I would recommend this place to others!” -Bari H.

We have raised $2985 dollars for the WalkMS fundraiser!
Our staff members have one month left to see who can raise the most money, and the winner will have their fundraising total MATCHED by Back in Motion! To make a donation or to learn more information, click here.
Progress in Newport!
We are expecting to move our Dexter clinic to Newport by mid April! We have a few things left to finish up, and are just as anxious to get in there as you are! New equipment and a free week gym pass will make it worth the wait!
Are you interested in receiving a Free Week Gym Pass to our Newport location? Click here!

The National MS Society WalkMS event is on Saturday April 27th in South Portland and in Brewer! If you are interested in attending the event, visit the link to their website here!
Brewer Clinic Classes: Silver Sneakers Class Every Monday and Wednesday at 10am and 2:30pm. Click here for more details.
Cardiac Rehab Class Every Tuesday and Thursday at 10am and 2:30pm. Click here for more details.

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Ryan Weeks! Jordan Hopkins celebrates her 3rd anniversary, and Liz Adams celebrates 13 years as part of the Back in Motion family!
If you see these April babies, Crystal Reynolds, Liz Brandolini, Nicole Brunet or Krista Delcourt, make sure to wish them a Happy Birthday!