Top four tips for reducing and preventing back pain
Sitting at your desk at work. Taking walks with your grandkids. Sleeping well at night. There are many activities that are a lot harder to do if you have back pain. What’s really unfortunate is that back pain is far too common. Medical research reports that 80% of...
What should you do to treat a shoulder injury?
Driving. Cooking dinner. Holding on to the leash while walking the dog. Playing catch with your grandkids. These are all normal tasks that can become much harder to do with shoulder pain. Injuries that cause pain in one or both shoulders are much more common than you...
Three simple ways for busy people to stay active
Too many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to staying fit. We’re too “slammed” at work for the gym, or our kids’ activities are keeping us in the car. These are just some of the common excuses we use to explain our inability to stay active. There...
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